Welcome shutterbugs!
Jim kicked off our first meeting in March, and our first live meeting in some time, with the results of the “Liquids” competition.
Our very own Jacqui will present “Algonquin Revisited” on March 11. Jacqui is a gifted and imaginative photographer so this one will be good. Sadly, it’s back to Zoom for this meeting.
Joanne McEwan couldn’t join us as a member this year, but she has graciously agreed to present a Zoom workshop in our third meeting of the month. The topic is “Flower Still Life”.
The remaining competition topic for the 2024-25 season is:
- People in Action
- Includes sports and recreation
- The subject must be one or more people in action
- Submission deadline Mar. 14, 11:45 pm
Looking for a camera club? Look no further; new members are always welcome! The PACN usually meets on the first three Tuesdays of each month starting at 7:30 pm. Please contact us at info@pacn.ca and join us for a free meeting or two. The annual membership fee is $80, payable by e-transfer to membership@pacn.ca.
Upcoming events
- March 11 – 7:30 pm
- Jacqui presents “Algonquin Revisited”.
- Zoom session opens at 7:00
- March 14 – 11:45 pm
- Submission deadline for “People in Action” competition
- March 18 – 7:30 pm
- Joanne McEwan leads a “Flower Still Life” workshop.
- Zoom session opens at 7:00