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Assigned Topic “Time“

4thT_Rob Rotenburg_A Snapshot in Time

Jim Spurgeon_Mountain Stream

Rob Rotenburg_Time Marches On

Eustace James_So let the sun shine in

Jim Spurgeon_Always Time for a Nap

Val Dambrauskas_Adapt or die

Val Dambrauskas_Another day gone

Jennifer O'Keefe_Double Time

3rd_Val Dambrauskast_Feel the moment

1st_Gordon Clarke - Frozen in Flight

5th_Wendy Michael - Time to Emerge

2nd_Dave Dennis - Drip Drop

Matthew Goldsworthy - Summertime

Dave Dennis - My Golf Game

Dave Dennis - Ripping The Lake

Scott Powers - Lost Youth

Gordon Clarke - Day's End, Heading Home

Ann White - Pillars of Nature

Allan Craig - Home Run Stop Action

Allan Craig - A Serious Competitor in the Six Nation Pow Wow Dance Competition 2018

Wendy Holden - Ripples in Time

Sandra Cummings - A Step in Time

4thT Bruce Carmody - Glimpse of the Future

Ann White - Timing is Everything

Steve Ansell - Water sluice

Steve Ansell - Water drop

Wendy_Michael_Raveged by Time
Photographer’s Choice

Wendy Michael - Tamaracks

Wendy Holden - Dories at Sunset

Steve Ansell - Golden halo

Steve Ansell - Forest cathedral

Scott Powers - Waiting for Summer

Scott Powers - Fun With Blocks

Sandra Cummings - Divine Light

Sandra Cummings - Cow Parsley Fence

Sandra Cummings - Country Stroll

Rob Rotenburg - Window Wall

Matthew Goldsworthy - The Maze

Matthew Goldsworthy - Reflecting on the Past

Jim Spurgeon - Havana Harbour Sunrise

Jennifer O'Keefe- Twisted Tale

Jennifer O'Keefe- Centered Out

Jennifer O'Keefe - Eyes of the Dragon

Gordon Clarke - Young Egret Looking For Food

Eustace James - I've seen the future, baby It is murder

Bruce Carmody - Taking the Lead

Ann White - Restored Lighthouse

Ann White - Black Swallow Tail

Allan Craig - Georgian Bay Sunrise

Allan Craig - Gently Surfing Together

5thT - Wendy Holden - Dock in Morning Mist

5thT - Matthew Goldsworthy - The Workout

5thT - Gordon Clarke - In Flight

5thT - Eustace James- Like Shootin' Fish in a Wineglass

4th - Wendy Holden - Star Drops

3rdT Dave Dennis - Evening Ride

3rdT - Jim Spurgeon - Snowdonia

3rdT - Bruce Carmody - American Avocet

2ndT - Val Dambrauskas - Aren't you full yet

2nd - Bruce Carmody - Eurasian Eagle Owl